An activity that serves as one\'s regular source of livelihood; a vocation.
An activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time; an avocation.
The occupation, work, or trade in which a person is engaged:
the wholesale food business.
A specific occupation or pursuit:
the best designer in the business.
An occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study:
the professions of law, medicine, and engineering.
The body of qualified persons in an occupation or field:
members of the teaching profession.
The act of employing.
The state of being employed.
The work in which one is engaged; occupation.
An activity to which one devotes time.
The percentage or number of people gainfully employed:
1)纯否定前缀 a, an, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的) dis dishonest, dislike in, ig, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular ne, n, none, neither, never non, noesense neg, neglect un unable, unemployment
2)表示错误的意义male, mal, malfunction, maladjustment(失调) mis, mistake, mislead pseudo, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience
3)表示反动作的意思de, defend, demodulation(解调) dis, disarm, disconnect un, unload, uncover
4)表示相反, 相互对立意思anti, ant antiknock(防震), antiforeign,(排外的) contra, contre, contro, contradiction, controflow(逆流) counter, counterreaction, counterbalance ob, oc, of, op, object, oppose, occupy with, withdraw, withstand
1)a表示“在……之上”,“向……” aboard, aside,
2)by表示“附近,邻近,边侧” bypath, bypass(弯路)
3)circum, circu,表示“周围,环绕,回转” circumstance, circuit
4)de,表示“在下,向下” descend, degrade
5)en,表示“在内,进入” encage, enbed(上床)
6)ex, ec, es,表示“外部,外” exit, eclipse, expand, export
7)extra,表示“额外” extraction (提取)
8)fore表示“在前面” forehead, foreground
9)in, il, im, ir,表示“向内,在内,背于” inland, invade, inside, import
10)inter, intel,表示“在……间,相互” international, interaction, internet
11)intro,表示“向内,在内,内侧” introduce, introduce
12)medi, med, mid,表示“中,中间” Mediterranean, midposition
13)out,表示“在上面,在外部,在外” outline, outside, outward
14)over,表示“在上面,在外部,向上” overlook, overhead, overboard
15)post,表示\"向后,在后边,次” postscript(附言),
16)pre,表示\"在前”在前面” prefix, preface, preposition
17)pro,表示“在前,向前” progress, proceed,
18)sub, suc, suf, sug, sum, sup, sur, sus,表示“在下面,下” subway, submarine, suffix, suppress, supplement
19)super, sur,表示“在…..之上” superficial, surface, superstructure
20)trans,表示“移上,转上,在那一边” translate, transform, transoceanic
21)under,表示“在…..下面,下的” underline, underground, underwater
22)up,表示“向上,向上面,在上” upward, uphold, uphill(上坡)
1)ante, anti,表示“先前,早于,预先” antecedent, anticipate,
2)ex,表示“先,故,旧” expresident, exhusband
3)fore,表示“在前面,先前,前面” foreward, dorecast, foretell(预言)
4)mid, medi,表示“中,中间” midnight, midsummer
5)post\"表示“在后,后” postwar,
6)pre, pri,表示“在前,事先,预先” preheat, prewar, prehistory
7)pro,表示“在前,先,前” prologue(序幕),prophet(预言家)
8)re,表示“再一次,重新” retell, rewrite
1)by,表示“副,次要的” byproduct, bywork(副业)
2)extra,表示“超越,额外” extraordinary,
3)hyper表示“超过,极度” hypersonic(超声波), hypertesion(高血压)
4)out,表示“超过,过分” outdo(超过), outbid(出价过高的人)
5)over,表示“超过,过度,太” overeat, overdress, oversleep
6) sub, suc, sur,表示“低,次,副,亚” subeditor, subordinate, subtropical(亚热带)
7)super, sur表示“超过” supernature, superpower, surplus, surpass
8)under,表示“低劣,低下” undersize, undergrown, underproduction(生产不足)
9)vice表示“副,次” vicepresident, vicechairman
1)com, cop, con, cor, co表示“共同,一起”。 connect, combine, collect, combat, coexist, cooperate
2)syn, syl,sym,表示“同,共,和,类” symmetry, sympathy, synthesis(合成)
1)al表示“完整,完全”alone, almost, 2) over表示“完全,全”overall, overflow(充满) 3) pan表示“全,总,万”panentheism(泛神论),panorama
1)a ab, abs,表示“分离,离开” away, apart, abstract, abstain 2)de表示“离去,处去”depart, decolour, 3)dis, di, dif,表示“分离,离开” divorce, disarm(缴械) 4)ex, e,表示“离开,分离”expel, exclude, expatriate(驱出国外) 5)for表示“离开,脱离”forget, forgive 6)表示“离开”release, resolve 7)表示“分离,隔离”separate, seduce, select
1)dia, 表示“通过,横过”diameter, diagram, 2)per, pel,表示“通,总,遍”perfect, perform, pervade(浸透) 3)trans,表示“横过,贯通”transparent, transmit, transport
a, arouse, ashamed ad, adjoin, adhere(粘着)
be, befriend, en, enslave, enable, enrich ad, ac, af, ag, an, ap, ar, as, at, adapt, accord, affix, aggression, arrive, assist, attend, attract, arrange, assign(委派)
1)表示“单一”,“一” mon, mon, monotone(单调),monopoly, monarch uni, un, uniform, unicellular(单细胞)
2)表示“二,两,双” ambi, ambiguous, amphibian(两栖类) bi, bin bicycle, di, diode(二级管), twi, twilight
3)表示“十”deca, deco, dec deci, decade, decimals
4)表示\"百,百分子一\" hecto, hect, hectometer, centi, centimeter
5)表示\"千,千分子一” kilo, kilometer
6)表示\"万,万分子一” myria, myri, myriametre mega, meg, megabyte micro, microvolt (微伏特)
7)表示\"许多,复,多数” multi, mult, multipmetre (万用表) poly, polysyllable,
hemi, hemisphere demi, demiofficial semi, semiconductor, semitransparent pene, pen, peninsula
1)arch ,表示“首位,第一的,主要的”architect, archbishop 2)auto,表示“自己,独立,自动”automobile, autobiography 3)bene,表示“善,福”benefit 4)eu,表示“优,美好”eugenics(优生学),euphemism 5)male, mal表示“恶,不良”maltreatment, malodor, 6)macro,表示“大,宏大”macroscopic(宏观) 7)magni,表示“大”magnificent 8)micro,表示“微”microscope
1)aud,表示 “听,声”audience, 2)bio,表示“生命,生物”biography(传记) 3)ge,表示“地球,大地”geography 4)phon,表示“声,音调”phonograph 5)tele,表示“远离”television, telephone
1)an, ain,表示\"……地方的人,精通……的人”American, historian, 2)al,表示\"具有……职务的人\" principal, 3)ant,ent,表示\"……者” merchant, agent, servant, student, 4)ar,表示\"……的人” scholar, liar, peddler 5)ard, art,表示\"做……的人”coward, laggard, braggart(夸张者) 6)arian,表示\"……派别的人, ……主义的人”humanitarian, vegetarian 7)ary,表示\"从事……的人\" secretary, missionary 8)ant,表示\"具有……职责的人\" candidate, graduate 9)ator,表示\"做……的人\" educator, speculator(投机者) 10)crat,表示\"某种政体,主义的支持者\" democrat, bureaucrat 11)ee,表示\"动作承受者\" employee, examinee 12)eer,表示\"从事于……人\" engineer, volunteer 13)er,表示\"从事某种职业的人,某地区,地方的人\" banker, observer, Londoner, villager 14)ese,表示\" ……国人,…..地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese 15)ess,表示\"阴性人称名词, actress, hostess, manageress 16)eur,表示\"……家” amateur, littérateur 17)ian,表示\"……地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”Christian, physician(内科医生),musician 18)ician,表示\"精通者, ……家,”electrician, magician, technician 19)icist,表示\"……家, …….者, …….能手”physicist, phoneticist, technicist 20)ic,表示\"……者,……师\" mechanic, critic 21)ie,表示\"爱,指小\" dearie, auntie, lassie(小姑娘) 22)ier,表示\"从事……职业” cavalier, clothier, brazier(黄铜匠) 23)ine, ian,表示\"阴性人称\" heroine, ballerina 24)ist,表示\"从事……研究者,信仰……主义者\" pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist 25)ive,表示\"动作者,行为者” native, captive 26)logist,表示\"……学家,研究者\" biologist, geologist(地质学家) 27)or,表示\"……者\" author, doctor, operator, 28)ster,表示\"做…….事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster 29)yer,表示\"从事……职业者” lawyer
1)acy,表示\"性质,状态,境遇\" accuracy, diplomacy 2)age,表示\"状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称\" courage, storage, marriage 3)al, a)表示\"事物的动作,过程”refusal, arrival, survival, denial, approval b)表示具体的事物manual, signal, editorial, journal 4)ance, ence表示\"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” endurance, importance, diligence, difference, obedience 5)ancy, ency,表示\"性质,状态,行为,过程\" frequency, urgency, efficiency, 6)bility,表示\"动作,性质,状态\" possibility, feasibility, 7)craft,表示\"工艺,技巧” woodcraft, handicraft, statecraft(治国策) 8)cracy,表示\"统治,支配\" bureaucracy, democracy 9)cy,表示\"性质,状态,职位,级别\" bankruptcy(破产),supremacy 10)dom,表示\"等级,领域,状态\" freedom, kingdom, wisdom 11)ery, ry,表示\"行为,状态,习性\" bravery, bribery, rivalry 12)ety,表示\"性质,状态” variety, dubiety(怀疑) 13)faction, facture,表示\"作成,……化,作用\" satisfaction, manufacture 14)hood,表示\"资格,身份,年纪,状态\" childhood, manhood, falsehood 15)ice,表示\"行为,性质,状态\" notice, justice, service 16)ine,表示\"带有抽象概念\" medicine, discipline, famine 17)ing,表示\"动作的过程,结果\" building, writing, learning 18)ion, sion, tion, ation, ition,表示\"行为的过程,结果,状况\" action, solution, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction 19)ise,表示\"性质,状态” exercise, merchandise(商业) 20)ism,表示\"制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为\" socialism, criticism, colloquialism, heroism 21)ity,表示\"性质,状态,程度” purity, reality, ability, calamity 22)ment,表示\"行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argument 23)mony,表示\"动作的结果,状态\" ceremony, testimony 24)ness,表示\"性质,状态,程度\" goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness 25)or, our,表示\"动作,性质,状态\" favor, error, 26)osity,表示\"动作,状态” curiosity 27)ship,表示\"情况,性质,技巧,技能及身份,职业” hardship, membership, friendship 28)th,表示\"动作,性质,过程,状态\" depth, wealth, truth, length, growth 29)tude,表示\"性质,状态,程度\" latitude, altitude(海拔) 30)ure,表示\"行为,结果\" exposure, pressure, failure, procedure(手续), 31)y,表示\"行为的结果,状态,性质” glory, history, victory, inquiry
1)age,表示\"住所,地点\" village, cottage 2)ary,表示\"住所,场地\" library, granary (谷仓) 3)ery, ry,表示\"工作场所,饲养所,地点\" laundry, nursery, surgery(手术室) 4)ory,表示\"工作场所,住处\" factory, dormitory, laboratory, observatory
1)grapy,表示\"……学,写法” biography, calligraphy, geography 2)ic, ics,表示\"……学……法\" logic, mechanics, optics, electronics 3)ology,表示\"……学……论”biology, zoology, technology(工艺学) 4)nomy,表示\"……学……术\" astronomy, economy, bionomy(生态学) 5)ery,表示\"学科,技术\" chemistry, cookery, machinery 6)y,表示\"……学,术,法” photography, philosophy
1)age, baggage, tonnage 2)dom, newspaperdom(新闻界) 3)hood, neighbourhood, womanhood 4)ery, cavalry, ministry(内阁) 5)ure, legislature, judicature
1)ant, ent, solvent, constant 2)al, signal, pictorial(画报) 3)ar, collar, pillar(石柱) 4) er, boiler, computer, washer, cooker 5)ery, drapery(绸缎) 6)ing, clothing, matting, 7)ment, instrument, equipment, attachment
1)cle, particle, 2)cule, molecule(分子) 3)el, parcel 4)en, chicken, maiden 5)et, pocket, ticket 6)etta, ette, etto, cigarette, essayette(短文) 7)kin, napkin 8)ling, duckling, 9)let, booklet 10)y, baby, doggy
1)able, ible, movable, comfortable, applicable, visible, responsible 2)al, natural, additional, educational 3)an, ane, urban, suburban, republican 4)ant, ent, distant, important, excellent 5)ar, similar, popular, regular 6)ary, military, voluntary 7)ice, atie, ical, politic, systematic, historic, physical, 8)ine, masculine, feminine, marine 9)ing, moving, touching, daring 10)ish, foolish, bookish, selfish 11)ive, active, impressive, decisive 12)ory, satisfactory, compulsory 13)il, ile, eel, fragile, genteel(文雅的)
1)ish, boyish, childish 2)esque, picturesque 3)like, manlike, childlike 4)ly, manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly 5)some, troublesome, handsome 6)y, milky, pasty
1)ful, beautiful, wonderful, helpful, truthful 2)ous, dangerous, generous, courageous, various 3)ent, violent,
1)en, wooden, golden, woolen 2)ous, gaseous 3)fic, scientific
1)ern, eastern, western 2)ward, downward, forward
1)ble, double, treble 2)ple, triple 3)fold, twofold, tenfold
1)teen, thirteen 2)ty, fifty 3)th, fourth, fiftieth
1)an, Roman, European 2)ese, Chinese, 3)ish, English, Spanish
1)er, greater 2)ish, reddish, yellowish 3)est, highest 4)most, foremost, topmost
less,表示否定,countless, stainless, wireless
1)ize, ise,表示\"做成,变成,……化“modernize, mechanize, democratize, organize 2)en,表示\"使成为,引起,使有” quicken, weaken, soften, harden 3)fy,表示\"使……化,使成”beautify, purify, intensify, signify, simplify 4)ish,表示\"使,令” finish, abolish, diminish, establish 5)ate,表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate
1)ly, possibly, swiftly, simply 2)ward, wards, downward, inwards, upward 3)ways, always, sideways 4)wise, otherwise, clockwise